[opennms-discuss] nagios conversion
We have nagios implemented in a medium sized environment containing a bunch of cisco switches, routers, firewalls, and then a mixed environment of servers including windows, linux, and unix. Nagios is working pretty well for us. I am looking at ONMS due to its nice GUI and integrated resource graphs for every service. I like nagios due to its modularity. I can easily write a plugin to do just about anything.
I see that onms has nrpe and nsclient capabilities, but due to another email, resource graphing isn't quite there. Is anyone else using onms as a nagios replacement or in a similar environment? I am sure the answer is yes but I would like to hear some success stories or struggles with these configurations. I am using 1.3.2 for my testing.
Jon Christensen
We have a similar environment to you (routers, switches, mixed servers)with at the moment about 250 nodes.
Using a CentOS 4 box, we have ONMS 1.2.9 installed along with Syslog-NG,Swatch, logtool (http://xjack.org/logtool/), and the Informant MIBs (forWindows, NET-SNMP is standard on most Linux/Unix) along with a varietyof custom scripts on the clients, most of them using or based off ofsend-event.pl.
Using all that, we've been able to fully replace HP OpenView, althoughwith one side effect: the architecture is so modular that we now can domore than we were doing with OV, for a variety of reasons.
Tim Selivanow
NOC Technician
EasyStreet Online Services, Inc.
Thank you for your email.
Why do people use the nsclient/nrpe client with ONMS with these Informant MIBS available?
Jon Christensen
Why do people use the nsclient/nrpe client with ONMS with these Informant MIBS available?Good question!
I am just starting to use OpenNMS and would lke to find a good poller for a MS Exchange 2003 server. Any suggestions?
Mark Molzahn
I second that question, and will go out on a limb saying that Snmp in the Windows world is one of the most misunderstood things ever invented.
Johan Edstrom
Is there a place to find this information? Is there any reason to useInformant vsnative Windows SNMP on win2k/2003 servers?
Les Mikesell
Johan Edstrom
FWIW, Net-SNMP is available for Windows and works very well.
Because you have to get a paid version of SNMP Informant to get accessto the really interesting data (app specific, e.g. Exchange, SQL,Biztalk etc). NSClient is free.
Agreed.I do find the free Informant agent a fantastic value (grin) and whencomparing the data it supports with the same data from NSClient, I'llstick with SNMP, thank you very much. That really interesting datain the "paid-for" client, as you reference, is still a great valuedue to its extremely low cost, ability, and, of course, theenterprise scalability of SNMP.
I'm even more of an SNMP zealot than I am open source zealot. But,what I like about what has been done with OpenNMS, all zealots arewelcome!
David Hustace
星期六, 一月 27, 2007
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